Team Pedro Sauer UK

Muay Thai


Muay Thai (Thaiboxing in English), has origins in Thailand’s military past but is most commonly seen as a ring sport, where a number of techniques that cause severe lasting damage are removed.

The Muay Thai practitioner can use punches and kicks, as well as elbows and knees. As such Muay Thai is often referred to as ‘The Science of Eight Limbs’. Additionally Muay Thai incorporates stand up grappling.

Muay Thai has become the de facto choice for stand up striking in combat sports, in part due to it’s aggressive nature and destructive capability.

Muay Thai training consists of pad work, bag training, sparring, partner drills, shadow boxing, and conditioning.

Robin French with Simon Wells and Nick Opyrchal - August 2019

Simon Wells Muay Thai Seminar – August 2019

Robin French with Simon Wells and Nick Opyrchal - July 2017

Simon Wells Muay Thai Seminar – July 2017

Robin French with Peter Squire and Ally Grant - June 2016

Ally Grant UWCB Boxing Bout – June 2016

Robin French with Simon Wells - June 2016

Simon Wells Muay Thai Seminar – June 2016

Robin French with Simon Wells - July 2015

Simon Wells Muay Thai Seminar – July 2015